Monday, March 4, 2013

She Melts My Heart, I Tell Ya

Putting Alyssa to bed last night.  I was laying in bed with her, and I usually ask her if she had a good day, and go over the events of the day.

"So, how was your day?"
 "What did you do today?"
"I seen Massin" (Madyson - her friend)
"Oh, do you love Madyson"
"Is she your best friend?"
"No?  Well, who is your best friend?"
"Umm, You."
It was so sweet.  My heart melted and tears welled up in my eyes.  I know that one day, probably not too long from now, she will come home and tell me about Madyson, or another kid from school, and how they are her best friend.  But at that moment, and many moments while she is still small, I am her world.  What a great privilege I have.


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