Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday - The Ultimate S'mores Ice Cream Sandwich

I am back in the blogging world, and better than ever!  I have been wanting to get back, but my last blog was blah, and it was really hard for me to think of what to write, but this time, I am coming in with a plan of action, and can't wait to show you some of the things I have learned. 

For now, here is an amazing looking recipe I found on Pinterest for the Ultimate S'mores Ice Cream sandwich.  It comes originally from Cakies, I can't take the credit for it, but I will tell you that these are incredible!  Go over to Cakies

s'mores ice cream sandwich

Heaven in your mouth!


I am also now an Independent Consultant with a brand new company called Perfectly Posh.  This stuff is sooooo nice for your skin.  They only use the best products, and none of the typical harsh products that most soaps and stuff use, that actually harm your skin.  Check out my website, and let me know if you would be interested in having a party, or joining my team!  I can even do portable parties if you don't live near me.  You can also "like" my page on Facebook

TaTa for now!

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